Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts

The majestic moose snorted at me

Moose is a sketch by artist and illustrator Artmagenta

Moose is a sketch by artist and illustrator Artmagenta

Moose is a sketch by artist and illustrator Artmagenta

Moose is a sketch by artist and illustrator Artmagenta

Moose is a sketch by artist and illustrator Artmagenta

Laughing Owl

Laughing Owl sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
Laughing owl

A fun card by Artmagenta.
TAGS: Party Card, Fun Card, Owl Card, Greeting Card

They have got a superior appearance

Dromedary is a cartoon by ArtMagenta

Compared to humans the Great White Shark is kind as a lamb

Great White Shark is a drawing by ArtMagenta
The Great White Shark

Killer whales kill moose

Moose by ArtMagenta
An adult moose has few enemies, but a pack of wolves can be a threat, especially for females with calves.
Siberian tigers and brown bears can kill moose, but bears more often take a cadaver killed by wolves or they kill young calves.
In North America, black bear and cougar are significant predators of calves during the period May to June.
Killer whales have also been documented to kill moose.

Latest Moose News:


Giraffe is a drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
The giraffe has a 2 meter long neck and can weigh up to 2 tons.

The Romans, who early in the history began to hunt giraffes, called it camelopardalis to its appearance reminiscent of both camel and leopard. The name giraffe comes from the Arabic zarāfa which means "sweet" or "lovable".

Latest Giraffe News:


Horses by
The horse is a herd animal and in the pack horses usually sleep lying down but at least one of the horses is awake and is responsible for keeping guard.

Latest Horse News:

Why do Raccoons symbolise thieves?

Raccoon by ArtMagenta
Raccoons with their black mask often symbolise thieves and robbers. At least in the comics.

That is not fair to such nice animals.

And frankly, this is no good robber disguise. No robber or thief uses such a mask. They use balaclavas or funny masks when they rob banks.

Latest Raccoon News:

A sitting duck

A sitting duck
A swimming duck

Male vanity is necessary for reproducing the genes

Rooster is a sketch by Artmagenta
Sir Henry, the rooster

Sir Henry is a proud rooster. He keeps his head high and flaunts himself for the hens to win these ladies' favor and get to reproduce.

Sir Henry never could understand the humans where the females have the glamorous looks, the proud postures and flaunt themselves for the males.

- No other mammal has such an odd behavior, Sir Henry says scornfully.

SketchBook on iPhone

Latest Rooter News:

A rooster in the hen house is worth gold, even if it is a hen

The Hen is a sketch by Artmagenta

Mr Svenson would start a small poultry farm for his  own use and bought five chicks from old wife Joanna. Four hens and a rooster. But it turned out to be five hens and no rooster.

The largest chicken named Snow White developed a behavior as if she were a cock.  No enemy came close to Snow White's sisters. Even the fox kept at a respectful distance.

Sketchbook on iPhone

Latest Henhouse News:

The black panther is a leopard

Black panther. Illustration by ArtMagenta

Respect your horses

Many horse owners don't show ther animals respect. No other animals can have names like horses. Just take look on this list found the internet:
  • Chosen by Asker
  • GiveMeMoreMoney
  • Gotta Pee
  • Hoof Hearted
  • Horsing Around
  • LookBehindYou
  • Onewaytickettothegluefactory
  • Really Fast Horse
  • Scott Mills
  • Shergars missing foot
  • Shouldabeenaclown
  • Showemtheway
  • Take A Wiz
  • Ucandoit

Latest Horse Name News:

Treating a talking parrot that has a bad vocabulary

Talking parrot
Barbara promised her elder brother Olle to take care of his parrot Polly, while he himself went on holiday for a fortnight. This happened two years ago.

Olle has still not taken back his parrot Polly.

Barbara think it is only right that she now  keeps Polly as her own but she  has to get Polly a better vocabulary.

Polly's favorite expression is currently:
-Hi baby, what's under your panties?

Latest Parrot News:

Chicken is best supporting actress

Actor with chicken
Mavis and Boris in training

Boris is a good actor, but he has a memory problem which means that he must train a lot more than his colleagues to cope with the dialogues in a play.
None of his colleagues is in the mood to put up all time that Boris requires for his rehearsals.
But Boris has fixed his own solution.
He trains at home with proud chicken Mavis as a counterpart.

Read the latest news about actor's training

A lap horse instead of a lapdog

Lap horse is a cartoon by Artmagenta
Dagny and her pet horse

Dagny wanted a pet as a gift on her birthday.

But when she as a gift was offered to take over her grandchild's pony horse, everything went totally wrong.

Too small to ride and too big as a lapdog.

Read the latest news about pet horses

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in the starting blocks

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Here they are, not yet in the starting blocks, but very soon: the reindeers to carry Christmas gifts to children all over the world. And in just 24 hours! Well, some countries get a head starting late on Christmas Eve, so it will be about 36 hours then.

Now the line-up:
  1. Dasher
  2. Dancer
  3. Prancer
  4. Vixen
  5. Comet
  6. Cupid
  7. Donner
  8. Blitzen
  9. the head that lights up in the darkness, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

I'm a slim pig

The slim pig is a drawing by Artmagenta on an iphone
- I'm a slim pig. There is not much point in killing me. If you want to slaughter a pig, please find a real one with lots of meat on it. Your rotisserie can do without me!

Latest Pig News:

Filip the falcon

Falcon by ArtmagentaFilip the falcon is a proud father of four small young birds. His first paternity.
Filip's father was a trained captive falcon used in falconry. He finally escaped and has taught Filip to avoid humans at any price.

Sketchbook on iPhone

Migration problems

Jackdaw by ArtmagentaKaj the jackdaw was born this summer. He has a decision to make about to migrate or not. Some of his sisters and brothers will migrate late in the autumn but some will stay at their place of birth throughout the winter. Tough decision.