
Drawing the surroundings from a sightseeing boat is a challenge - like drawing people who move away. Anyway here is a view of Towerbridge seen from a River Thames Afternoon Tea Cruise today 😜 #UskVirtual #London — pÃ¥ Thames River, London, England.


Had a beer at cafe Leffe and then crossed the river Maas to get a sketching view from the other side with Collegiale Notre-Dame and the statue of Charles de Gaulle in focus 😜 #UskVirtual #Dinant — pÃ¥ Dinant Begium.

Slept over this morning and had to skip breakfast to get in time for the sketchcrawl at Nydeggbrucke here in Bern, Switzerland 😜 #UskVirtual #Bern — pÃ¥ Nydeggbrücke.

Salamanders [doodle]

Woke up to a bautiful morning in Santorini - had to start sketching with breakfast and a wonderful view. 😜 #uskvirtual #Santorini

Virtual sketchwalk at CanalSaint Martin in Paris [usk]

Virtual sketchwalk in Toledo Spain [uskvirtual env]
