Dogs never laugh

Springer Spaniel. Sketch by ArtMagenta
Milton is glad

My name is Milton. I'm a dog. A Springer Spaniel and I am cute!

I like people, but I have got one problem with you people, humans or whatever you call yourself. You are not social!

You show your teeth when you are glad. You are a predator like us dogs and predators show their teeth when they are angry. Showing teeth is a warning.

Come on! Learn to behave like all other predators!

Be happy, but not with your teeth

The lake house that turned out to be a snake house

Linda was looking for a summer house in the countryside. In my opinion, this was the best house. Picturesque, far out in the countryside, yet close to other people.

This house was very picturesque but a little too lonely for my liking.

Finally Linda fell for this little cottage right on the shore of a lake.

The cottage was bought.

The cottage was furnished.

The cottage should be inaugurated with a weekend living.

On Saturday morning we discovered that the plot was full of vipers. Even indoors, we found a snake.

Linda never returned to that cottage...

The old Morris Garages badge is now on a chinese car

MG TD 1953, Sports car sketch by ArtMagenta
MG TD 1953.

Have you heard about the rooster and the goose who fell in love?

The goose and the rooster who fell in love. Cartoon by ArtMagenta.
The Rooster and the Goose who fell in love
This is a picture of the goose and rooster who fell in love.

I've never heard of that story.

But there must be one.

Make a bookmark for this illustration and I promise to come back when I've found the story...

Killing time at the railway station

Train delay by ArtMagenta
Maria and her brother Peter were going to visit their grandparents over the weekend, but the train was very late. Maria had looked forward to the visit and was sad about all the lost time.

But brother Peter had no problem with HIS waiting time:
Pastime at the railway station by ArtMagenta

Gesture DrawingsThese gesture drawings are created on an iPhone. You can see more gesture drawings on the Gesture Drawing blog by ArtMagenta.

No night owl gets the sun going

No night owl gets the sun going. Sketch by ArtMagenta

Street Survey
Are you a night owl or an early riser?

PENELOPE:  I'm an early riser, getting up 5 o'clock in the morning! They say I'm the one that gets the sun going.

Bearded Collie

Dog: Bearded Collie by ArtMagenta
Liam, the Bearded Collie

Letter to the editor

I'm Liam and I do not have a beard!
I've got long fur.

Not beard.

And please make no jokes of confusing my head with my ass. It is not funny at all and I try to sit on my ass all the time to avoid those jokes.

Otherwise I have a good life.


Bearded CollieBearded Collies are a herding dogs, the beard has contributed to the breed name Bearded. A common name for Bearded Collie is Beardie.