Who makes the important decisions in your family?

Sketch from ArMagenta.com
Street Survey
Who makes the important decisions in your family?

GEORGE:  It has always been me, making the family decisions, until we got our youngest - Sheila

- Now she decides everything, everywhere...

Do you often use diets to lose weight?

Sketch from ArtMagenta.com

Street Survey
Do you often use diets to lose weight?

LOUIS:   No I do not do it often. I do it always.
 I'm constantly on a diet!!

Read the latest news about diets

Do you get more stressed with increasing age?

Teenager from ArtMagenta.com

Street Survey
Do you get more stressed with increasing age?

MARIA:  Last year I was 12.
Now I'm 13. A teenager!

And that really stresses me.....

A hairstyle for a bird lover

Bird hair style sketch by ArtMagenta.com
Nanako invented this hairstyle three years ago and is still wearing it.
For every year the bird's head gets more and more dominant but Nanako get's less and less attention for her hair style.

This will end in a tragedy!

Latest Hairstyle News:

A sitting duck

A sitting duck
A swimming duck

When are you considered to be old?

Street Survey
When are you considered to be old?

FRIDA:  My grandfather died when he was 102 years old and he said that he never felt old before his 97th birthday.

So that's what I think is old. 97 years after birth.

Do you or your husband drive to work?

Car driver is a sketch by Artmagenta
Angelica doesn't drive a car

Street Survey
Do you or your husband drive to work?

ANGELICA:  What kind of a question is that ?!
- I have neither car nor man!

Read the latest news about having no car