I would never betray Samson by cutting off his hair

Girl by ArtMagenta.com
Street Survey
If you could be any character in fiction whom would you be?

- I would like to be Delilah in Samson and Delilah.
- But I would never betray Samson by cutting off his hair.

Latest News on Samson and Delilah:

When I get old and retire I think I will sleep through the whole morning.

Mustache by ArtMagenta.com
Chuck longing for morning sleep

Street Survey
Are you a morning person or an evening person?

CHUCK:  As long as I can remember I've always been woken up by my youngest kid far too early every morning. When I get old and retire I think I will sleep through the whole morning. Every day.

- Right now I am being forced to be a morning person.

Latest News on Morning Sleep:

If you are weird and aware of it - then you are not weird

White haired man by ArtMagenta
Carlton, weird or not?
Street Survey
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 how weird you are

CARLTON:  If you are weird and aware of it - then you are not weird!
- So you can put a 10 on me! And I am aware of it...

Latest News on Weird Men:

Sitting on the bench

Sitting on a bench is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta
Mathilda sitting on a bench
Mathilda likes to sit on public benches. Every time as she sees a bench she sits down and read a book, a paper or just sits.
- You should also try it. Public benches are mostly not comfortable, but they give you a most relaxing time. I think it is a reaction on all our sitting in front of a TV set. On the bench you have real things happening all around you, all the time. You really should try it!

Only football players doesn't, and shouldn't like the bench - for certain other reasons...

Sketchbook on iPhone

Latest News on Benches:

I'm an annoying buzzing mosquito

Caricature from ArtMagenta.com
Street Survey
If you were an animal what kind of animal would you be?

- Hmmm, never thought of that. I have a feelling I gonna pick something I will regret...
-I would be an annoying buzzing mosquito!

Latest News on Mosquitos:

Smoking is weird

Cartoon, caricature from ArtMagenta.com

Street Survey
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 how weird you are

ETHEL:  Mother says I'm weird because I smoke so much. I think she would rate me 6 on the weird scale.

Waiting for a full moon

Full Moon is a sketch by illustrator ArtmagentaFor some people a full moon means the appearance of monsters and werewolves, but for Clara it is the time for romantic meetings. In her own words:
-Let us celebrate the night, nature and ourselves by making love to the man or woman in our lives in a flowering glade in the moonlight, beyond time and space.

Full moon occurs about 12 times a year and pretty soon we have a full moon....

Latest Full Moon News: