I just love the Zebra stripes

Street Survey
If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?

GERD:  No question about it - I would be a Zebra.

- I just love the Zebra stripes! I'd look wonderful as a Zebra.

How to skip the terrible cold of winter

Caricature from ArtMagenta.com

Street Survey
If you were an animal what kind of animal would you be?

EBBA:  I would be a brown bear. Think of all the winter when you just lay down and sleep until spring.

-Just skipping the terrible cold of winter

We eat in restaurants all days this week

Caricature from ArtMagenta.com

Street Survey
What would I find in your refrigerator right now?

JUDITH:  Oops, that's not a fair question right now! But my freezer is full...

- We eat in restaurants all days this week We have a very complicated schedule.

I want to be the princess kissing frogs

Caricature from ArtMagenta.com

Street Survey
If you could be any character in fiction whom would you be?

JOANNA:   I never thought of that. Maybe a princess or something...

- O yes, I'll be that princess kissing frogs to find the transformed prince!

She makes a lot of people laugh

Caricature from ArtMagenta.com
Street Survey
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 how weird you are

IRENE:   I don't think anyone else laughs as much as I do, and I  make a lot of other people laugh too.

- When people finished their laughing, they usually say I'm weird. So let's say I'm wierd 4.

I have to go to sleep before Arthur starts snoring.

Caricature from ArtMagenta.com
Street Survey
Are you a morning person or an evening person?

ANIKA:  I'm an evening peron. I just love to stay up as long as possible.

- But my husband Arthur is snoring so I have to go to sleep before he starts snoring. That forces me to be a morning person!!!

I think it had something to do with hormones

Caricature from ArtMagenta.com
Street Survey
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 how weird you are?

ANN:  Our teacher went crazy the other day and called us all weird.

-Why?  - Well, I think it had something to do with hormones. Anyway she would have put us all highest on that scale. 10!