How to skip the terrible cold of winter

Caricature from

Street Survey
If you were an animal what kind of animal would you be?

EBBA:  I would be a brown bear. Think of all the winter when you just lay down and sleep until spring.

-Just skipping the terrible cold of winter

We eat in restaurants all days this week

Caricature from

Street Survey
What would I find in your refrigerator right now?

JUDITH:  Oops, that's not a fair question right now! But my freezer is full...

- We eat in restaurants all days this week We have a very complicated schedule.

I want to be the princess kissing frogs

Caricature from

Street Survey
If you could be any character in fiction whom would you be?

JOANNA:   I never thought of that. Maybe a princess or something...

- O yes, I'll be that princess kissing frogs to find the transformed prince!

She makes a lot of people laugh

Caricature from
Street Survey
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 how weird you are

IRENE:   I don't think anyone else laughs as much as I do, and I  make a lot of other people laugh too.

- When people finished their laughing, they usually say I'm weird. So let's say I'm wierd 4.

I have to go to sleep before Arthur starts snoring.

Caricature from
Street Survey
Are you a morning person or an evening person?

ANIKA:  I'm an evening peron. I just love to stay up as long as possible.

- But my husband Arthur is snoring so I have to go to sleep before he starts snoring. That forces me to be a morning person!!!

I think it had something to do with hormones

Caricature from
Street Survey
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 how weird you are?

ANN:  Our teacher went crazy the other day and called us all weird.

-Why?  - Well, I think it had something to do with hormones. Anyway she would have put us all highest on that scale. 10!

Dogs poop makes me angry

Caricature by about dogs poop
Street Survey
What makes you really angry?
- When our dog Bernie pees on the carpet it makes me sad, but when he poops on the carpet then I am pissed!

- So that's my answer. Dogs poop makes me angry!