Showing posts with label People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People. Show all posts

Sometimes it can be hard to find the right door

Finding the right door is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta

Margareta and Carin has been out on their own. A ladies night without the fellows. Late that night when they get back to their hotel, Margareta says:
- I've got the key, but I can't find the right door. I don't even know if this is the right hotel....

Latest News on Finding Your Way Home:

I think I'm killing the wrong man

Killing the wrong man is a drawing by Artmagenta
Silvia is pissed. To say the least. Her boss has hired a new staff guy, a man named Tony. Silvia has just discovered that Tony gets paid more than she. Her first reaction was to kill Tony, but then she realized that it's not Tony's fault. She really ought to kill the boss instead. But on the other hand that would not give her a higher salary.
- No, I've better kill Tony! she says.

Painter on Wacom

Are fashion trends picking on you too?

Picking Trends is a sketch by Artmagenta
 Every season has it's fashion trend and the fashion industri keeps feeding us with new trends, new looks, new needs. Wendy has scheduled this weekend for shoping clothes: -  It's time to renew my wardrobe.
- In fact I think I need a complete new wardrobe for this season. And then the coming season...

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Latest Fashion News:

Returning jailbird

Returning Jailbird is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta
Returning jailbird
Anders has homing pigeons as a hobby. On the roof of the apartment building where he lives, he has a dovecote with 20 homing pigeons.
- It's impressive to see how the always returns to the dovecote when released miles away from home, says Anders who regularly  returns to his second home, the prison. Anders second hobby is burglary...

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Read the latest news for jailbirds

A voluminous hairstyle can be an enormous eyecatcher

A voluminous hair style  is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta
Karin has a voluminous hairstyle which she uses as an
eyecatcher. This is a great benefit to her as a politician, as it 
shifts the focal point from her sayings to her hairdo...

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Latest Hairstyle News:

A vamp from the 1920s

The Vamp is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta

Cissi likes to rub shoulders with celebrities. As a celebrity journalist, she has every opportunity in the world to do just that. Recently she was invited to a celebrity party at the French Riviera where everyone would wear clothes from the 1920s.

Painter on Wacom

Latest News on French Riviera:

You can get fed up with trains

Fed up with trains  is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta

Manfred was a train driver for 35 years. He liked his job but from the day when he retired at 61 he has never ever sat his foot on a train. And so it has been for another 35 years.

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Latest Train News:

It's important to keep your food clean and safe

Keep your food clean and safe is a sketch by illustrator ArtmagentaVivianne is a librarian. Besides that she is very fond of cleaning, especially her refrigerator and freezer.
- Where you have food you must be extremely careful, she says and empties the fridge and freezer every day to clean them up. This harms the food even more, and she knows it, but that doesn't matter. She just has to clean where there is food....

Latest News on Clean Food:

Get yourself a sandy foot massage

A sandy foot massage is a sketch by Artmagenta
Runing in the sand
Kerstin jogs every day. She runs four kilometers on a sandy beach. Barefoot.

- There is no foot massage in the world that can compete with this. And it does not matter if it's dry or wet, it just gives different kinds of massage. You really must try this!

Painter on Wacom

Latest Foot-massage News:

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Shopaholic  is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta

Sigrid is a shopaholic. Whenever she gets in a bad mood she has a way out of it. She goes shopping.
- When this comes over me I always see myself as someone that just has lost all her personal belongings. I have no clothes, no nothing! And that must be addressed immediately! And I love it!!!

Sketchbook on iPhone

Latest Shopaholic News:

Music can drive you crazy

Music can drive you crazy  is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta

Oscar has a restaurant. It's a very popular restuarant and the food is real good. But Oscar has a problem with his employees - they don't stay very long and Oscar cannot understand why. During the12 hours the restuarant is open, they play Scott Joplins "The Entertainer", over and over again.
- It's a kind of trade mark, says Oscar.
- It is terror! says his employees.

Sketchbook on iPhone

Latest News on "Elevator Music":

Less Coffee, more Espresso!

Less coffee more espresso is a sketch by illustrator ArtmagentaBente starts every day with an espresso, and she ends the day with an espresso.
- It's beneficial to your health, she says.
- But isn't espresso the rocket fuel version of coffee?
- On the contrary. Espresso is made by forcing a small amount of hot water through coffee quickly to extract the great coffee flavor and strongest antioxidant properties, stopping before you begin breaking down the oils and over-extracting the caffeine.
- So less coffee, more espresso.
- Yepp

Latest News on Espresso:

Pancakes are good

Panncaces is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta For several years Rosa has been working as a supermarket cashier. During all those years she has had thousands of business ideas. All about making money by selling pancakes. And all efforts ended with her eating the pancakes herself! She just loves pancakes so much...

Latest news on panncakes:

Bugs can invade your mind

Bugs on your mind is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta
Elvira "Lovebug"
Elvira is a fashion expert. She has her own fashion blog and is a reporter for a fashion newspaper.

But Elvira's great interest is insects! On her spare time she collects bugs, wasps, butterflies. She kills the insects by puting them in a jar with ethyl acetate, then mounts them on a pin. Elvira has got hundreds of boxes with pin mounted insects. And she loves to watch them. Her friends call her Elvira Lovebug.

Latest News on Lovebugs:

The surgeon with superior genes

A Surgeon is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta
Anita is a surgeon
Anita is an orthopedic surgeon.  A fact that her mother is very proud of.
- Anita has inherited my good skills as a sewer, she says.
- And her father is the best butcher in town...

Sketchbook on iPhone

Latest News on Surgery:

The singing dentist

The singing dentist is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta
The singing dentist
Even if you get good anesthetic that takes away a lot of the pain it still is an unpleasant experience to visit the dentists chair. Listening to music is a common way to get rid of the discomfort. Ingvar is a dentist that sings songs for his patients constantly during the whole treatment. And he prefers lullubies...

Latest News on Dentist and Music:

Hey, the guy is killing Bugs Bunny!

He is killing Bugs Bunny is a sketch by illustrator ArtmagentaLOS ANGELES Arthur works for a company with pest control. Arthur is specialized in shooting rabbits in cities. He visits the city at night and kills feral rabbits using an air rifle. This is not a harmless mission, many city residents hates Arthurs hunting and would rather have him executed than the rabbits.

Sketchbook on iPhone

The mayor's wife becomes a burden

The mayor's wife is a sketch by illustrator ArtmagentaJohn was elected to mayor last year. Shortly after that he met Agnes, a 30 year old blonde and 30 years younger than him. John discovered that Agnes was interested in him, and Agnes saw a fine future in John. There was suddenly an oportunity for both of them. John proposed marriage to Agnes and they married.
Well - you probably know there is a lot of "blonde jokes" out there, all of them false ofcourse. But when it comes to Agnes these jokes fit in very well....
So the bottomline reads: John won't be reelected to mayor!

Sketchbook on iPhone

Collection of conductor's batons

Conductors batons is a sketch by illustrator ArtmagentaCarl is a good conductor. He travels all over the world and directs symphony orchestras. He travels with just hand luggage, but then has a problem with his conductor's baton wich to the flight personnel is considered a possible weapon and is not allowed as hand luggage.
So nowadays Carl will not bring his conductor's buton but buys a new one at each performance site. When the performance is over he sends home the baton with mail. He has now got a considerable collection of conductor's batons at home.

Sketchbook on iPhone

Latest Baton News:

Late arrival

Late arrival is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta

He is waiting for his fiancee who is late. The train is delayed almost an hour! 

Everything right now about Late Arrivals: