Showing posts with label People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People. Show all posts

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Shopaholic  is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta

Sigrid is a shopaholic. Whenever she gets in a bad mood she has a way out of it. She goes shopping.
- When this comes over me I always see myself as someone that just has lost all her personal belongings. I have no clothes, no nothing! And that must be addressed immediately! And I love it!!!

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Latest Shopaholic News:

Music can drive you crazy

Music can drive you crazy  is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta

Oscar has a restaurant. It's a very popular restuarant and the food is real good. But Oscar has a problem with his employees - they don't stay very long and Oscar cannot understand why. During the12 hours the restuarant is open, they play Scott Joplins "The Entertainer", over and over again.
- It's a kind of trade mark, says Oscar.
- It is terror! says his employees.

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Latest News on "Elevator Music":

Less Coffee, more Espresso!

Less coffee more espresso is a sketch by illustrator ArtmagentaBente starts every day with an espresso, and she ends the day with an espresso.
- It's beneficial to your health, she says.
- But isn't espresso the rocket fuel version of coffee?
- On the contrary. Espresso is made by forcing a small amount of hot water through coffee quickly to extract the great coffee flavor and strongest antioxidant properties, stopping before you begin breaking down the oils and over-extracting the caffeine.
- So less coffee, more espresso.
- Yepp

Latest News on Espresso:

Pancakes are good

Panncaces is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta For several years Rosa has been working as a supermarket cashier. During all those years she has had thousands of business ideas. All about making money by selling pancakes. And all efforts ended with her eating the pancakes herself! She just loves pancakes so much...

Latest news on panncakes:

Bugs can invade your mind

Bugs on your mind is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta
Elvira "Lovebug"
Elvira is a fashion expert. She has her own fashion blog and is a reporter for a fashion newspaper.

But Elvira's great interest is insects! On her spare time she collects bugs, wasps, butterflies. She kills the insects by puting them in a jar with ethyl acetate, then mounts them on a pin. Elvira has got hundreds of boxes with pin mounted insects. And she loves to watch them. Her friends call her Elvira Lovebug.

Latest News on Lovebugs:

The surgeon with superior genes

A Surgeon is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta
Anita is a surgeon
Anita is an orthopedic surgeon.  A fact that her mother is very proud of.
- Anita has inherited my good skills as a sewer, she says.
- And her father is the best butcher in town...

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Latest News on Surgery:

The singing dentist

The singing dentist is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta
The singing dentist
Even if you get good anesthetic that takes away a lot of the pain it still is an unpleasant experience to visit the dentists chair. Listening to music is a common way to get rid of the discomfort. Ingvar is a dentist that sings songs for his patients constantly during the whole treatment. And he prefers lullubies...

Latest News on Dentist and Music:

Hey, the guy is killing Bugs Bunny!

He is killing Bugs Bunny is a sketch by illustrator ArtmagentaLOS ANGELES Arthur works for a company with pest control. Arthur is specialized in shooting rabbits in cities. He visits the city at night and kills feral rabbits using an air rifle. This is not a harmless mission, many city residents hates Arthurs hunting and would rather have him executed than the rabbits.

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The mayor's wife becomes a burden

The mayor's wife is a sketch by illustrator ArtmagentaJohn was elected to mayor last year. Shortly after that he met Agnes, a 30 year old blonde and 30 years younger than him. John discovered that Agnes was interested in him, and Agnes saw a fine future in John. There was suddenly an oportunity for both of them. John proposed marriage to Agnes and they married.
Well - you probably know there is a lot of "blonde jokes" out there, all of them false ofcourse. But when it comes to Agnes these jokes fit in very well....
So the bottomline reads: John won't be reelected to mayor!

Sketchbook on iPhone

Collection of conductor's batons

Conductors batons is a sketch by illustrator ArtmagentaCarl is a good conductor. He travels all over the world and directs symphony orchestras. He travels with just hand luggage, but then has a problem with his conductor's baton wich to the flight personnel is considered a possible weapon and is not allowed as hand luggage.
So nowadays Carl will not bring his conductor's buton but buys a new one at each performance site. When the performance is over he sends home the baton with mail. He has now got a considerable collection of conductor's batons at home.

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Latest Baton News:

Late arrival

Late arrival is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta

He is waiting for his fiancee who is late. The train is delayed almost an hour! 

Everything right now about Late Arrivals:

The girl from Brazil

Girl from Brazil is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta

65 years ago Juanita arived to Sweden as a tourist, met her love and settled in the foreign country. Today ANITA celebrates her 85th birthday together with her children and grandchildren.

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Latest Brazil News:

Trying to forget

Trying to forget is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta

Sandra has just broken up from her first relationship and is trying to forget.
Her mother says: "Forget your first love or it will ruin your future relationships forever..."

Sketchbook on iPhone

The postman

The postman is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta
The postman
Emil looks like a retired postman - but he is not. He is the director of a very successful furniture industry in the region.

You are not the only one that takes him for a retired postman, in fact that is what everybody in the region calls him - the postman.

Read the latest news about the postman

Viggo's lunch

Gesture drawing by ArtmagentaThere is nothing wrong with Viggo, except when he is having lunch. Then Viggo behaves like a lion watching over it's prey!

There has been many suggestions on why, but I can assure you that Viggo was not raised by some animals and he has not been in prison.

Coffee breaks are very important

Coffee breaks is a sketch by illustrator ArtmagentaSome years ago Eva was smoking  and often took small breaks from her work to go smoke a cigarette. She consumed 10-15 cigarettes during work hours. In these days she has stopped smoking, but still has up to ten coffee breaks during her working day. Eva thinks she has a mental need for those small breaks.

Latest Coffee News:

Golf woman

A Golf Woman is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta
Laura is considered the most accomplished English female golfer of modern times. Laura's talent is natural and her great power comes with little practice. No practice rounds and yet she wins  the tournaments. Also her readiness to take  risks makes her a difficult competitor.

Laura has always had an interest in gambling being a former bookmaker's assistant and her interest has led to her becoming a racehorse owner.

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Latest Laura News:

Handwritten letters

Handwritten letters is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta
Elin writing a letter
Elin loves to write long letters to her friends. She varies to write with ink, pencil, ballpoint, felt pen or even using a brush. She always writes on beatiful letter paper. She wouldn't ever dream of typing her letters on the PC!

When the letter is written she scans it to her PC and sends it by email...

The postman IS dead.
Read the latest news about Handwritten letters

Modern witchcraft

Modern witchcraft is a sketch by illustrator Artmagenta
Margretha is a witch of modern times. She doesn't fly on a broom nor does she cook some magical soup on herbs and frog legs.
But she can cast a spell and they are never good spells!
She  looks very nice and timid, but do not be fooled. You do not want to have disagreements with her!

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Read the latest news about witchcraft

Being on time

Being on time is a sketch by Artmagenta
Fiona preparing herself to be late

Being on time is a big problem for Fiona. She has a wrist watch, a clock in a necklace and even a mobile phone with all facilities to alert at specified times. But this doesn't help Fiona, because she has a mental aversion to being on time.

Read the latest news about being on time